This is RSSDesk, a Python-based RSS Reader.


2000-01-01 00:00:00.00


2003-04-30 12:40:03.00

totally changed it.


2003-05-07 14:43:07.00

Dan Bricklin: Democratizing the Web


2003-05-07 14:00:12.00

securitas writes "This NY Times story featuring Dan Bricklin discusses the social impact of the Web on small businesses (Mom and Pop shops) and how the Web is ...

Internet + Wireless Cameras = Homeland Security


2003-05-07 13:15:00.00

NumberField writes "According to an article by Steven Levy posted on MSNBC, Jay Walker of PriceLine fame is talking about a system he calls US HomeGuard. His ...

2003 Transit of Mercury


2003-05-07 12:23:36.00

angkor writes "It is happening today (all day in Asia)! NASA's SOHO page, Fred Espenak's 'Transit of Mercury' site, and live webcasts of the transit. You'll ...

Why Open Source Doesn't Interoperate


2003-05-07 11:27:41.00

bergie writes "There is an interesting article on Advogato on why it is so difficult for Open Source projects to interoperate or support common standards. ...

UK And EU May Make Unsolicited Email Illegal


2003-05-07 07:47:31.00

An anonymous reader writes "According to this BBC article the UK and the EU are planning to making unsolicited email simply illegal. This doesn't do anything ...